Well, I recently went on vacation for 4 days and while I was gone it did nothing but rain at my house, not to mention it was HOT (90s)! My garden loved it! The lawn was mowed 12 days ago and is already in desperate need of a mowing, the weeds went crazy as well but so did all of my flowers and plants. I'm getting lots of fruits and flowers, I love it.
Purple Two-Toned Morning Glory Flowers - Ipomoea Purpurea
My morning glories recently started seeding within the last month and I have been collecting TONS of morning glory seeds, hundreds, if not thousands already. It really is a mission to go morning glory seed pod collecting every few days. If I don't stop looking for the seed pods, I'll be there all day finding them, they're very abundant. I did plant about 15 morning glory plants in one spot and they're doing beautifully although they are starting to get eaten up by some type of insect or a caterpillar. I do all organic gardening so that's to be expected now and then.
Collecting seeds from morning glories is very easy, and FUN! It's almost like a treasure hunt. Every morning glory flower that blooms eventually turns into a seed pod. The seed pods are very easy to spot once you start looking, they are round and brown when they are ready to be harvested. The picture below shows a ripe morning glory seed pod.
Morning Glory Seed Pods - Ready to Collect
I advise using a pair of scissors the cut off the seed pod at the stem or else you will risk dropping all of the seeds. The brown seed pods become extremly dry, light and flaky and will break open if squeezed. Each seed pod contains anywhere from 1 seed to 8 seeds. Carefully break open all of the seed pods you've collected by gently rolling them between your fingers over a piece of paper. The little black hard seeds will come right out. Do not take the seed pods if they are still green, they are not ready for harvest and the seeds are not fully developed unless they look like the photo above. Your seeds should look like the photo below and be dry, hard and black.
Black Morning Glory Seeds From Dry Seed Pod
Once you have the seeds, you can immediately plant them. You can also soak them in water for a day or overnight if you want them to sprout sooner. Morning glories are fast growers once they getting going if they're in the right conditions.