When I first started my garden, I planted tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, dill, italian cilantro, cuban oregano and a few other random flowers and plants.
My tomatoes did great but got out of control because I didn't use cages. My 6 plants were like a jungle! I learned my lesson with those, I am currently restarting my tomato plants, in cages, and I'm in the process of clearing the old plants out. They gave me, my family and friends more than enough fruits. I grew beefsteak tomatoes last time, this time I'm growing cherry tomatoes from seed. :)
My cucumber completely took over most of my garden so they were taken out. I never got to try those but I would like to start one new cucumber plant soon. I currently have no cucumbers growing. They are very pretty though. The photo below shows my cucumber plants which were grown from seed.

Cucumber plants - Cucumis Sativus - The Vines Creep and Creep
My dill, oregano, parsley and cilantro herbs did beautifully as well. I collected tons of seeds from both plants. I often find myself asking, "Where do I look for seeds on this plant, will it be in the flower, or will a seed pod develop?" Well, on my blog, I'll answer those previously asked questions of mine.
I've had many pretty flowers come and go. I always try to collect seeds and restart new plants.
This blog will consist of updates on what I've planted so I can determine how long things take to germinate and fruit and develop seeds. I will also share my seed collecting photos and tips.

I am also a butterfly garden and do all that I can to attract butterflies and so far it's worked wonderfully with the Monarch species and the butterfly weed I have planted.

(Monarch Butterfly - Danaus Plexippus - Emerging From It's Cocoon in My Backyard)
Tomorrow I will come back and update you on what's going on with my garden now, I have many, many things growing, fruiting and seeding. Until then, happy gardening!
If you're interested in purchasing some awesome garden seeds at very low prices, visit this eBay store. http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/greatdealsmiami