Okay, now that I have my little "introduction post" out of the way, I can start talking about what's really going on in my garden right now.

My current garden plot is surrounded by rocks and approximately 12' long and maybe 18' wide. I have laid mulch throughout the whole garden since I do completely organic gardening. It's too hard to keep up with pulling the weeds without the mulch, even with the mulch I have to go out there to clear weeds at least once a week, it does help though.

The current veggies, fruits and herbs that I have growing in my garden plot include: Green Peppers, Yellow Peppers, Corn, Cuban Oregano, Dill, Watermelon, Yuca, Cherry Tomatoes, Lemon Balm, Spearmint and Chives.

The current flowers I have growing in my garden plot are: Marigolds, Roses (dark pink & light pink), Alyssum as a border, Sunflowers, Nasturtiums, Morning Glories, Zinnia, Red & Yellow Aster, 21st Century Phlox, Geraniums, Pink Cosmos, Mirabilis Jalapa (Four O'Clock Flowers) and Petunas. I think that's it for the flowers? The flowers listed are currently the only ones in BLOOM, I have about 15-20 flower pots starting flowers and other plants as well.

I have been harvesting MANY seeds from my 4 O'Clock Flowers (aka Marvel of Peru) and Morning Glories along with my 21st Century Phlox plant. I am still looking out for seed pods on my other flowers.

My goal is to have a tropical haven of a backyard with tons of colors, fruits and butterflies.

I currently have Butterfly Weed aka Milkweed starting in a pot but once the leaves start coming out, the butterflies lay eggs and before you know it, they're munching away on the baby plants. If you don't grow them inside, you have to do daily inspections and scrape the eggs off of the leaves to prevent caterpillars eating the whole plants before they get to somewhat full grown stage. Butterfly gardening will be my next post. :)

Hey everyone, how are you? I'm a 3rd generation gardener and I live in Miami, FL Zone 10B. My Mother and Grandmother always grew plants and vegetable gardens. Now I have my very first garden. It's not very big but it's big enough for me to pretty much grow whatever I want, in moderation. I really wish I would have started my blog when I started my seeds last September but a garden never really starts or ends so why not start my blog now? Let me catch you up on the past 9 months. Remember, I've started pretty much everything from seed. :)

When I first started my garden, I planted tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, dill, italian cilantro, cuban oregano and a few other random flowers and plants.

My tomatoes did great but got out of control because I didn't use cages. My 6 plants were like a jungle! I learned my lesson with those, I am currently restarting my tomato plants, in cages, and I'm in the process of clearing the old plants out. They gave me, my family and friends more than enough fruits. I grew beefsteak tomatoes last time, this time I'm growing cherry tomatoes from seed. :)

My cucumber completely took over most of my garden so they were taken out. I never got to try those but I would like to start one new cucumber plant soon. I currently have no cucumbers growing. They are very pretty though. The photo below shows my cucumber plants which were grown from seed.

Cucumber plants - Cucumis Sativus - The Vines Creep and Creep

My dill, oregano, parsley and cilantro herbs did beautifully as well. I collected tons of seeds from both plants. I often find myself asking, "Where do I look for seeds on this plant, will it be in the flower, or will a seed pod develop?" Well, on my blog, I'll answer those previously asked questions of mine.

I've had many pretty flowers come and go. I always try to collect seeds and restart new plants.

This blog will consist of updates on what I've planted so I can determine how long things take to germinate and fruit and develop seeds. I will also share my seed collecting photos and tips.

(Cuban Oregano - Origanum Vulgare - Member of the Mint family.)

I am also a butterfly garden and do all that I can to attract butterflies and so far it's worked wonderfully with the Monarch species and the butterfly weed I have planted.

(Monarch Butterfly - Danaus Plexippus - Emerging From It's Cocoon in My Backyard)

Tomorrow I will come back and update you on what's going on with my garden now, I have many, many things growing, fruiting and seeding. Until then, happy gardening!

If you're interested in purchasing some awesome garden seeds at very low prices, visit this eBay store. http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/greatdealsmiami